

FKG TotalFill® BC RRM™ Fast Set Putty 0.3g Syringe

TotalFill® is a pre-mixed bioceramic obturation material. It is dispensed using a syringe in cases of root canal obturation and with either a syringe or as a putty when doing root repair and retrograde fillings.

0.3g Syringe

Product Brouchure


  • Product advantages:

    - Ideal consistency, malleable and easy to manipulate
    - Packed in Sanidose™ syringes
    - Extremely resistant to washout
    - Radiopaque
    - Shorter setting time (20 min)
    Usable for various clinical applications

    Clinical advantages

    - Highly biocompatible
    - Bioactive and osteogenic
    - Antibacterial (+12 pH)
    - Hydrophilic
    - No significant discoloration
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